I simply cannot take any more of Dick Vitale.
"26 wins, Tubby Smith averaged 26 wins!"
"Sign in the yard, someone put a for sale sign in the yard."
"Full page ad, someone took out a full page ad."
"Kentucky fans, it's that five percent that are bad."
Guess what Dick? Five percent of UK fans may be crazy, but 95 percent cannot stand you. You are an idiot. You add nothing to the games you are calling and could care less about the game unless it is Duke versus North Carolina. You use your time on television to promote your products and push your own agenda. Beyond that, your not even good at what you do. The only thing you are good at is promoting yourself. For the sake of actual college basketball fans, could you find another venue to preach. We really just want to watch the game.
Why don't you say that to my face you little wimp!
I agree whole heartedly with Blue Donkey on this one.......
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