Huge police operation takes Spears from home to hospital
Story Highlights
NEW: L.A. Times: Britney Spears placed on "mental health evaluation hold"
NEW: Hold prompted by call police got from Spears' psychiatrist, Times reports
Police radio traffic: "The package is on the way out, " says L.A. Times reporter
For second time this month, Spears taken to a hospital
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A police motorcade the length of a football field escorted troubled pop star Britney Spears to a Los Angeles hospital early Thursday to get her some help, a law-enforcement official told CNN.
Story Highlights
NEW: L.A. Times: Britney Spears placed on "mental health evaluation hold"
NEW: Hold prompted by call police got from Spears' psychiatrist, Times reports
Police radio traffic: "The package is on the way out, " says L.A. Times reporter
For second time this month, Spears taken to a hospital
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A police motorcade the length of a football field escorted troubled pop star Britney Spears to a Los Angeles hospital early Thursday to get her some help, a law-enforcement official told CNN.
Okay I will take over from here. Who gives a flying rats netherregion? I go against my rant by ranting about this but it is my hope a person that follows this non-relevant individual "news" will read this rant and mabye jar a cobweb loose and realize; "Hey this might not be important." Britney Spears; if not a millionaire and at one point a fantasy of many males (even I liked the Crazy video [a lot]), would just be considered a bad mother and poor employee and would have been fired and have lost custody of her children already. But, in this world we reside in, the more outrageous and less talented the individual the more "interesting and newsworthy" they become. So, she still has a recording contract and can not show to court but still be considered for custody. I hope B. Spears gets her stuff together just so I don't have to see her on news, internet, newspapers or hear about it from someone that thinks she is a current issue. When you make Kevin Federline (why do I know his name?) look like the responsible one, well... the thing speaks for itself. So, coo-coo ca-choo Ms. Spears, take a bow and let's move on to important issues... Like who is pregnant in Hollywood? Now that is truly newsworthy!
What? It is not? Oh come on!!
Last note: this is an actual headline from CNN.com-
Many make millions off Britney's escapades
Many make millions off Britney's escapades
Spears exclusive photographs can go for $10,000, even $100,000
To Klive Jr.: The little girl in Man on Fire is really Bette Davis re-incarnated. She frightens most people but she can act. And more importantly, the lady playing her mother looked fantastic.
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